Thursday, March 3, 2016

Random Observations

Now that Leah's well, we're all back on our usual schedule...meaning there's not too much new or exciting to post. Also, I'm working from home (or sometimes a cafe, but...same thing) and it gets kind of lonely during the day with nobody around. In the absence of office colleagues to share stray thoughts and observations, I'm bringing some random thoughts to this blog instead!

We didn't bring too many toys for Leah in our suitcases, so it's interesting to watch her make toys out of whatever she can find around the house. Usually, it involves some kind of make-shift doll bed. Here we have a lavender and wheat-filled "hottie" that was given to us as a housewarming gift from our letting agent, cozied up in a dish towel and a potholder!

The flowers around town are starting to bloom. The snowdrops are up in full force, and now we are starting to get some scilla siberica and chionodoxa sardensis too. I even saw a few daffodils in bloom against a sunny stone wall this morning on my way to Leah's nursery. Here's a shot I took of my next-door neighbor's garden when she wasn't looking!

I'm getting used to the accent but a few things still trip me up. My yoga teacher rolls her "r" sound in such a way that it sometimes sounds like a "d" so when she tells us to turn our heads to the left towards the reception desk, it sounds to me like she's saying "deception desk." An interesting commentary, perhaps, on her profession? Also, I think that everyone in my yoga class thinks my name is Gillian and she's shortening it to "Jilly" which is a very common name here...much more so that Julie.

The salmon here is amazing. AMAZING! We have this at least once a week for dinner, with "British Greens" which are some kind of unidentifiable Asian-like cabbage. We wilt the greens in a wok, then splash with soy sauce and serve with feta. Even Emma, our avowed vegetarian-who-detests-vegetables, will eat it without complaint.

How is it that creme fraiche hasn't caught on in the United States? We are really missing the boat on this one. It is utterly delicious, and I eat a bit of it on fresh fruit everyday. Every. Day.

And lastly, John's breakfast cereal has possibly the best cereal name ever!

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