Friday, May 27, 2016

Saying Goodbye

The kids have had their last day of school, and they are quite sad to leave their friends. Emma had four girls over last night for a sleepover, and after a dinner at Nando's they came back to our house to watch movies and play Celebrity. The girls are all on study leave this week, so none of them needed to be up early for class this morning.

Emma's Maths class at Madras College on South Street
John has invited a whole group of boys to our house today after school, and he has a whole evening's worth of activities planned...most of which involve junk food and sports. Emma and Leah and I are getting out of the house as a result, and heading to Dundee for a night at the leisure center.

John's technology class at Madras on Kilrymont
Same class, looking less studious...
In the midst of hosting all these kids, we are starting to pack things up. We sent a few boxes back today, full of books and clothes that we won't need for the remainder of our trip. We will have a few to send next week as well, but it's good to get a start on the packing.

Emma helps David ship a box back to the U.S.

Leah's teachers gave her a lovely send-off from nursery yesterday. Her teachers made her a lovely card, and even had Leah and her friends bake Leah a going-away/birthday cake that was served to the kids for pudding. They also took a great group picture, though I don't yet have a copy. This old photo from a recent field trip will have to suffice!
Leah's nursery class at the botanical gardens.

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