Thursday, June 9, 2011

One last dinner on the beach...

We're nearing the end of our trip: the suitcases are (mostly) packed, the boxes of books are (almost) taped and ready to be taken to the mail room, and the refrigerator is (nearly) clean. The kids are at school for their last day today, while David and I are finishing all the cleaning and packing and errand-running. It has gone smoothly so far, though since we're only about 75% of the way finished, I probably shouldn't say that yet, and should instead expect things to get quite hairy later tonight. We did have one close call earlier today, when I was in the midst of cleaning the gas stovetop and we needed to leave briefly to meet next year's study group leader to hand over some books and binders. We were gone for about 15 minutes, and upon our return, were quite appalled to note that the house smelled like the inside of an LP gas canister. Apparently, I bumped the gas knob with a rag just before we left, and nearly blew the house away! I suppose that would have negated our deposit...

Barring any additional near-explosions, we are planning to finish with the errands and the packing late this afternoon, and then to walk into town after dropping off our rental car for some dinner on the beach. With an empty house and no books or toys for the kids to play with, we figured it was best to just get out and about, one last time. I'm sure there will be much cleaning left to do after dinner, but our taxi doesn't come to pick us up for the Edinburgh airport until 8:00 am tomorrow morning, so that should leave plenty of time for scrubbing John's fingerprints off the walls, blotting the stains off the suntrap carpeting, and reglueing the tiki bird sculpture on the fireplace that we broke in February!

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